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Guided Inner Visioning - Hypnotherapy

Guided Inner Visioning is a way of exercising the imagination in order for people to change the way they see themselves and the world.


It is a way of communicating with the subconscious (or inner self/higher self) to effect positive change in waking normal life, in your normal conscious state.


Visualizing and using the imagination in a guided therapeutic way is a powerful tool to overcome limiting beliefs and facilitate healing in the body. Because all learning, behavior, and change ultimately take place at the unconscious level, it’s imperative to learn how to make changes consciously in the unconscious mind.

Guided Inner Visioning FAQ

What is Guided Inner Visioning?

Guided Inner Visioning, simply put, is a structured process you enter into, where you are guided in doing internal "repairs" by co-creating compelling imagery with your guide that changes results. You are led through a therapeutic structure to your own inner guidance system. Utilizing your inner wisdom to be a laser beam, not a lightbulb. It is like another way of describing hypnosis.


"Hypnosis is a state of mind in which the critical faculty of the human mind is bypassed, and selective thinking established." ~ Dave Elman


In other words, the guide will facilitate a mental rehearsal that feels good to you, feels real to you, and you are guided to an inner vision of life as you want it to be. You could focus on one area of life, or many. A specific area, or life in general. 



Healing with the mind's eye.

Immersing your inner senses in the movie of the life you actually want.

There are many ways to describe it. 


Why try this?

Hypnotherapy or guided inner visioning can be used as a tool for the following goals:

  • Reaching optimal health, including weight loss

  • Letting go of limiting beliefs

  • Letting go of habits that no longer serve you, including smoking

  • Letting go of fears 

  • Overcoming blocks to your success

  • Gaining confidence

  • Managing stress and anxiety

  • Increased relaxation

  • Managing chronic discomfort


What will I experience in a session?

First, I will go over your medical history, background, and what you would like to address in our sessions. We will discuss how this type therapeutic process works and what you can expect. Each session lasts about an hour, and most people start to see results within four to ten sessions. You and I will both monitor and evaluate your progress over time to assess how the treatment is working for you. I may also teach you the basics of self-hypnosis and give you recordings to use at home so you can reinforce what you learn during the session in-between sessions.


We will use the first part of the session to discuss your goals, challenges, and if there is anything you would like to see change in your life. Then the second part of the session is spent in a nice relaxed state of deep relaxation where I guide you on a visual journey, helping you release any negativity and anything that may be holding you back, and incorporate the positive changes that you want to see happen in your life.


During our session, you will move into a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration, while also feeling relaxed and calm, using tools like repetition or visualization. During the trance, you’ll be more open to suggestion, but you don’t lose control over your own behavior—despite what you have seen on TV and in movies about hypnotherapy or trance-like states.


In our sessions, you are always in control, and I will only use suggestions that we have cognitively agreed upon before we begin.

If you want to feel relaxed and freed up to listen consciously and subconsciously to positive ideas and new ways of thinking, guided inner visioning is a great place to start.


Hypnosis or inner visioning is an alpha/theta brain wave state that we go through every night when we go to sleep. It's the sensation you have when you drive somewhere routinely and upon arrival don't quite remember the actual drive.


Everyone goes in and out of a trance state naturally throughout the day. A couple of examples of being in a trance state are: being immersed in a good movie or daydreaming.


You may leave feeling relaxed or energized, sleepy or in a good mood. You may wish to set aside some time to journal or make any notes that come to mind. Make sure to hydrate and treat yourself well after your session.

What do I need to do?

  • Make an appointment at a time when you can relax and devote this time to your experience.

  • Wear comfortable clothing.

  • Limit distractions by finding a quiet space and leaving your phone off.

  • Sit or lay comfortably.

  • Give it a chance, knowing that it may take time to receive results.


Are there any contraindications for hypnotherapy/inner visioning?

Hypnosis/guided inner visioning is not suitable for:

  • Individuals suffering from dementia or senility

  • Individuals with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia

  • Pathological personalities

  • Very young children

  • Drug addicts, alcohol or drug psychosis

  • Anybody evidently under the influence of alcohol

  • ‘Educationally challenged’ individuals

  • Anybody with comprehension difficulties


The main reason in all cases is the inability to properly interact and establish effective rapport.


The client must be able to follow my words and also use their imagination.


Hypnotherapy is also contraindicated for people with epilepsy, narcolepsy and severe heart disorders. According to Adam Eason, people with severe heart disorders and epilepsy may be contraindicated due to physiological changes that could potentially occur while hypnotized¹. Hypnosis can cause changes in brain wave activity and it is believed that these changes could trigger seizures in people with epilepsy². However, on rare occasions, hypnotherapy has helped patients with epilepsy but only after consultation with their GP and the doctor's approval³.


Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/6/2023

(1) Contraindications To Hypnosis? - Adam Eason.

(2) Medical Issues and Hypno-psychotherapy - Brookhouse Hypnotherapy Manchester.

(3) Contraindications for hypnotherapy - Therapy Partnership.


Common misconceptions about hypnotherapy:

You’ve seen it before on TV or in movies: someone agrees to be hypnotized, either on-stage in front of hundreds of people or on a leather sofa in a therapist’s office. The hypnotist pulls a watch from their pocket and swings it in front of the person’s eyes. 

“You’re getting sleepy,” the hypnotist says, “very sleepy.” The person being hypnotized zonks out and either ends up under the control of the hypnotist or starts waddling and quacking across the stage like a duck.

Is this hypnotherapy? NO. Not at all.


First and foremost, hypnotherapy isn’t performed by someone who is going to make you quack like a duck in front of all of your friends. Hypnotherapy is performed by a licensed or certified healthcare professional who is specially trained in this technique.


All of these common misconceptions are completely false:

  • You can be hypnotized against your will

  • You can get stuck in hypnosis

  • You can hypnotize someone while they are sleeping

  • Not everyone can be hypnotized

  • Hypnosis can damage your brain


“Our conscious minds only control about 12% of our mental and emotional well-being, whereas the other 88% is our subconscious programming,” says hypnotherapist, Chandra DeYoung. “I work with the 88% of your mind that has been running on automatic up until now. Together we rewrite the code of your mental programming to reflect the changes that you want to effect long-lasting change. Our minds are very powerful and only you can decide what it is you want in life. I do not have a magic wand that will erase all your problems, but I can help you reframe your mental well-being to be in line with your goals and dreams."

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