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Thriving Therapist!

Thriving Therapist!

Thriving Therapist!

Create or Re-energize Your Joyful, Flowing & Sustaining Wellness Practice



During our day we will stretch, breathe, relax, reflect, dream, plan, nurture and create!



  • Details

    This course is designed as a self-care immersive experience for licensed massage therapists as well as other in the wellness field.

    During our day we will stretch, breathe, relax, reflect, dream, plan, nurture and create!

    We will work with the practical part of growing a wellness business as well as the energetic components that keep it all joyful, flowing, and sustaining.

    Becoming one’s best in the wellness professions is not just about becoming an excellent practitioner, networker who can bring in clients, or a business savvy entrepreneur. It’s also about who the therapist is at their core that brought them to the profession.

    In this course we will learn that one of the keys to success is cultivating creativity and self-awareness along with the sometimes hard work that is a part of it all. We will learn about identifying and creating self-care and business practices for career longevity. In addition we will work to identify the unique skills and goals for one’s true calling and how to make it all happen on a daily basis.

    Through establishing positive business habits that continue to inspire, participants in this course will be well on their way to the thriving career they desire at the heart level with the confidence and tools in their toolbox that they need for success.

  • Registration

    Relax Massage Therapy and Skincare is handling registration for this course.